朱昱坤,聂馥玲,李正伟.日本公民科学素质基准的本土化探索 及对我国的启发[J].科普研究,2021,16(2):42~50
日本公民科学素质基准的本土化探索 及对我国的启发
The Localization Exploration of Japanese National Scientific LiteracyBenchmark and Its Enlightment to China
中文关键词: ]“科学技术的智慧” 公民科学素质基准 科学素质 本土化
英文关键词: Wisdom of Science and Technology  the benchmark of civic scientific literacy  scientific literacy  localization
朱昱坤 内蒙古师范大学科学技术史研究院 
聂馥玲 内蒙古师范大学科学技术史研究院 
李正伟 中国科普研究所 
摘要点击次数: 652
全文下载次数: 543
      推动公民科学素质基准的制定对于提升我国公民科学素质水平、指导科普活动的开展、建设创新 型国家具有重要的意义。目前学界针对美国科学素质基准的研究较多,对日本科学素质基准的研究较少。 以日本公民科学素质基准建设的重要成果——《综合报告书》为研究对象,主要运用文本分析、归纳研究 等方法,并以日本学者的相关研究成果为基础展开讨论。结果表明,日本公民科学素质基准框架构筑中包 含了植根于本国文化传统、注重多领域知识融合、重视基准的长效落实等优秀理念。最终为我国目前公民 科学素质建设提出了针对性的建议。
      The benchmark of civic scientific literacy embodies great influence for improving the quality of civic scientific literacy,guiding the development of popular science activities,and building an innovation-oriented country. Currently,American scientific literacy benchmark has been studied by many scholars,while the reference value of Japanese scientific literacy benchmark has been neglected. Wisdom of Science and Technology Comprehensive Report is taken as the research object in this paper. It mainly using text analysis and inductive research methods. The results show that the Japanese civic scientific literacy benchmark includes such excellent ideas as integrating into the national cultural tradition,integrating knowledge across fields,and paying attention to the long-term implementation of the benchmark. Finally,it gives some advice on the construction of Chinese civic scientific literacy.
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