米歇尔·克雷森斯 著,尹霖 译.科学传播的挑战:“欧洲研究区域”[J].科普研究,2006,(5):30~40
The‘European Research Area’As a Challenge to Science Communication
中文关键词: 公众认知,科学传播,欧洲
英文关键词: public perception  science communication  Europe
米歇尔·克雷森斯 著  
尹霖 译  
摘要点击次数: 5743
全文下载次数: 2437
      The paper reviews the way European citizens perceive science and technology (S&T) today, as reflected by a public opinion survey conducted in 32 European countries in 2005. It also includes some comparison with similar surveys conducted recently in the US and in China. Against this background, the paper addresses the challenges and difficulties of science communication in Europe today. Recent initiatives have been taken by the European Commission (EC) in improving communication in general and science communication in particular. The EC's Directorate-General for Research is actively involved in communicating the results of EU-funded research to the media and the general public. Support and help are provided to assist project coordinators and team leaders to generate an effective flow of information and publicity about the objectives and results of their work. Concrete measures taken by the European Commission to improve communication, outreach and dissemination of research results, such as the recent 'Communicating European Research 2005' conference in Brussels, are also presented.
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