A Study on the Evaluation Index System for Socialization of Science Popularization in Beijing
中文关键词: 科普社会化、指标体系、模糊层次分析法
何丹 北京科普发展中心 
谭超 北京科普发展中心 
刘深 北京科普发展中心 
摘要点击次数: 3140
全文下载次数: 1647
      Since the government at all levels has attached great importance to science popularization for many years,the relevant system of laws and regulations of science popularization gradually has formed,and flourishing science popularization activities have been carried on,the conception and definition of Socialization work on Science Popularization has become clearer than ever. This article designs an evaluation index system of science popularization as social work which can be used to investigate the actual effect of science popularization job from data in Beijing. This system includes 5 aspects: the effective form of science popularization work, the scale of staff working on science popularization,total expenditure quota of science popularization work,the scope of organized science popularization activities and the factor of external environments. This system can quantize 5 factors by mathematical treatment. Different factors affect the pattern of socialization work on science popularization to varying degrees. We used fuzzy analytical hierarchy process (FAHP) as the main tool to quantize different factors in the index system,calculate their weightiness,and then come to a more scientific and precise evaluation results. At last,we took Beijing Academy of Science and Technology as an example,showed the scientificity and practicability of this index system.
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