卞毓麟.科学意识之呼唤与弘扬 ———重读《科学救国之梦》,兼庆中国科学社百年华诞[J].科普研究,2014,9(5):7~13
科学意识之呼唤与弘扬 ———重读《科学救国之梦》,兼庆中国科学社百年华诞
The Call and Promotion of the Science Awareness:Re-reading the Ideal of a Patriotic Scientist,and Congratulating the Centenary of the Science Society of China
卞毓麟 中国科学院国家天文台 
摘要点击次数: 2534
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      任鸿隽是中国科学社最主要的发起人和领导者之一,并长期担任《科学》杂志负责人。2002 年8 月,洋 洋80 万言的《科学救国之梦——任鸿隽文存》(樊洪业、张久春选编,上海科技教育出版社、上海科学技术出版 社) 面世。如今中华民族伟大复兴之梦深入人心,重读《科学救国之梦》亦令人分外感念百年前中国科学社的始 建者们。本文就知晓科学为何物、了解科学之方法、领悟科学之精神、把科学当作国策、阐释科学与教育这五个 方面,分述任鸿隽等前辈学人为唤起国人科学意识所作的努力,兼庆中国科学社百年华诞。
      Ren Hong-jun was one of the principal founders and leaders of the Science Society of China and had long been in charge of the journal Science (Ke Xue) . In August,2002,the impressive book the Ideal of a Patriotic Scientist—Collected Works of Ren Hong-jun,with 800 thousand words,was published. Today,as reading it once again,I am even more deeply moved and have the greatest esteem for the founders of the Science Society of China. In the present paper,five topics as follows are reviewed: (1) To be aware of what science is, (2) To understand the method of science, (3) To comprehend the spirit of science, (4) To take science as a national policy,and (5) To expound science and education, in order to interpret the tremendous efforts of Ren Hong-jun and his colleagues who worked on arousing the awareness about science in Chinese people,as well as to congratulate the Science Society of China on its hundredth birthday.
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