刘敏,陈天嘉,任定成.科学传播的科学依据和历史依据 ———食用胎盘和注射羊胎素的个案研究[J].科普研究,2016,11(5):48~53
科学传播的科学依据和历史依据 ———食用胎盘和注射羊胎素的个案研究
On the Scientific and Historical“Evidence”of Science Communication:A Case Study of Eating Placenta and Placenta Therapy
中文关键词: 食胎盘行为羊胎素疗法干细胞疗法科学依据历史依据
英文关键词: placentophagy  placenta therapy  stem cell therapy  scientific evidence  historical evidence
刘敏 中国科学院大学历史学系 
陈天嘉 中国科学院大学历史学系 
任定成 中国科学院大学历史学系 
摘要点击次数: 2662
全文下载次数: 1408
      食用胎盘及羊胎素“活细胞疗法”的流行伴随着争议,支持方与反对方给出的依据主要涉及“科学”和“历 史”两个方面。梳理目前的科学研究发现,食用胎盘的疗效与危害均无严格确凿的科学证据;羊胎素与“干细胞治 疗”全无关联,羊胎素“活细胞疗法”也未得到监管机构认可。中国古代掩埋胎盘较食用胎盘的历史更为悠久,且胎 盘入药自古便存在反对声音,因此历史悠久不能作为疗效证据。中国悠久的养生观念、养生产品的高需求和高利润, 以及科学研究的缺失所留下的认知空间,导致此类产品在缺乏科学依据和历史依据的情况下仍然流行。
      The popularity of eating placenta and placenta therapy, which is also called“ fresh cell therapy”, has been accompanied by controversy. The controversy is focused on the scientific and historical evidences. Looking into the scientific research to date,no rigorous evidence for therapeutic effects or hazard was found;the placenta therapy has nothing to do with stem cell therapy;and the“fresh cell therapy”was not supported by Chinese or Swiss government. The history of burying placenta was longer than eating,furthermore, the objection to medicinal placenta has been in existence since ancient times,therefore,long history cannot be used as an evidence for efficacy. Chinese historical regimen, the large demand and profits of health-care products along with the cognitive space given by the absence of scientific research give rise to the popularity of this kind of product under the situation of the absence of scientific and historical evidence.
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