On a Transmedia Analysis of the Case Concerning Tu Youyou being Awarded the Nobel Prize
中文关键词: 屠呦呦 诺贝尔奖 跨媒介传播 社会化媒体 传统媒体
英文关键词: Tu Youyou  Nobel Prize  trans-media communication  social media  traditional media
吴睿 中国科学院大学人文学院 
张增一 中国科学院大学人文学院 
摘要点击次数: 2613
全文下载次数: 1805
      本研究以屠呦呦获得诺贝尔奖为例,试图了解科学事件在不同的媒介平台,传统媒体与社会化媒体上传播的情 况。运用内容分析的方法,分析传统媒体、社会化媒体的新闻报道。研究发现,社会化媒体对此类科学事件的关注度 较高,较传统媒体有更强的时效性,但热点话题消退也非常快。而两者所关注此次事件的议题也大相径庭,传统媒体 更偏向祝贺赞扬类及向公众传播科学知识,社会化媒体平台则更加倾向于科学传播中“人”的参与及争议性的话题, 同时,社会化媒体上的科学传播文本也呈现了优质、深度的内容,并影响了传统媒体的议题,其在科学传播上的作用 也不容忽视。
      This study uses Tu Youyou winning the Nobel Prize as an example to help understand scientific events in a variety of media platforms,such as traditional media and social media communications. Content analysis method is used to analyze traditional media and social media news reports. It’s easy to find in the research that social media pays higher attention than that of traditional media in this regard. The timeliness found on social media is pretty shorter than that of traditional media,but topics fade very quickly. As regards what they are concerned about,the event of issues are also different,traditional media are more biasedly congratulated where the public spread science knowledge. Social media platforms are more inclined to science communication in the“human”participation and controversial issue,meanwhile,social media science texts presented on quality,depth of content,and issues affecting traditional media,its role in science communication should not be ignored.
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