潘龙飞,周程.基于新媒体的大型科普活动效果评估 ———以 2015年全国科普日为例[J].科普研究,2016,11(6):48~56
基于新媒体的大型科普活动效果评估 ———以 2015年全国科普日为例
On the Assessment Based on New Media of the Effects of Large Science PopularizationActivities:Taking the National Science Day of 2015 as an Example
中文关键词: 大型科普活动全国科普日新媒体
英文关键词: large science popularization activity  national science day  new media
潘龙飞 北京大学科学与社会研究中心 
周程 北京大学科学与社会研究中心 
摘要点击次数: 2798
全文下载次数: 1951
      大型科普活动的效果评估中,如何准确获取公众和媒体对于活动的评价一直是评估难点。北京大学评估组 利用新媒体手段对2015 年全国科普日活动进行评估,利用微信收集公众评价,利用微博和传统新闻报道考察媒体 评价,较好地获取了相关数据,为大型科普活动的评估拓展了新方法,并结合调研内容讨论了优化大型科普活动的 相关建议。
      It is believed that how to collect opinions of the public and the media is always a challenge in the assessment of large science popularization activities. The assessment team of Peking University employ new media in the assessment of activities of National Science Day,2015. The team accumulate the public’s opinions with Wechat,and evaluate the media’s opinions with Weibo and traditional news report. In this way,the team find such an improved access to data,and provide a new horizon for the assessment of large science popularization activities. Besides,the team also discuss some suggestions for promoting large science popularization activities with the help of the results of investigation.
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