江 昀,黄晓欢.我国健康风险传播中的议程设置问题研究 ——以山东“疫苗事件”的报道为例[J].科普研究,2017,12(1):22~26
我国健康风险传播中的议程设置问题研究 ——以山东“疫苗事件”的报道为例
A Research on Chinese Media Agenda-setting for Health RiskCommunication:A Case Study of the Shandong Vaccination Event
中文关键词: 议程设置 健康风险传播 疫苗事件 报道
英文关键词: agenda-setting  health risk communication  vaccination case  report
江 昀 成都理工大学 
黄晓欢 成都理工大学 
摘要点击次数: 2602
全文下载次数: 1461
      本文运用内容分析法和统计分析法,对山东毒疫苗事件的相关新闻报道进行抽样分析,以期揭示报 道主题、报道频率和报道互动程度之间的互动关系。研究发现,我国媒体在健康风险传播方面存在诸多问题, 且直接影响受众的接受效果。笔者针对这些问题提出了三点建议:丰富报道主题;重视后期跟踪报道;加强 媒体与受众互动,进一步促进健康知识的普及和健康风险的有效传播。
      Content analysis and statistical analysis are utilized in the paper to gain an analysis of some related reports about Shandong vaccination case. In the paper,the author intends to analyze the interaction of the theme of report,report frequency,public participation degree in news reports. Through the research,we can find that there still exist some problems for the current situation of health risk communication for Chinese media,and it influences the reception effect of the targeted directly. In order to solve this problem,the author gives three suggestions:enrich the theme of report,pay attention to the follow-up reports,and attend more to the interaction between the public and the media to further popularize the health knowledge and promote an effective communication of health risk.
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