倪 杰.基于建构主义教育理念的 科技馆STEM 课程刍论[J].科普研究,2017,12(4):33~42
基于建构主义教育理念的 科技馆STEM 课程刍论
An Analysis of STEM Curriculum in Science and Technology MuseumsBased on Constructivism Education Philosophy
中文关键词: 博物馆教育 STEM 课程教育 建构主义 科技馆STEM 课程理论 馆校结合
英文关键词: museum education  STEM curriculum education  constructivism  science and technology STEM curriculum theory  cooperation between museum and school
倪 杰 上海科技馆 
摘要点击次数: 2160
全文下载次数: 1566
      在国内科技馆遍地开花的STEM 课程教育,在其“原产地”美国的主体实施机构是学校。目前国内 外关于STEM 课程教育尚缺乏行动的课程理论,而在国内科技馆开展的STEM 项目多属于引进性的案例,围 绕自身场馆展品、展项自主开发的项目较少。这些“放之四海皆可为”的案例,使得科技馆开展STEM 课程 教育的必要性受到质疑。事实上,科技馆的大部分展品、展项是跨学科的成果,具有趣味性,蕴含着丰富的 工程、艺术的内容,通过实际体验、操作,可以在真实的情景中实现群体协同相互帮助、相互启发,进行群 体性知识建构。文章通过对STEM 课程教育诞生的背景、教育特质的分析,运用建构主义教育理论对科技馆 开展STEM 课程教育进行了理论上的探究;最后运用建构主义教学模式,以上海科技馆展项为例探讨了科技 馆开展STEM 课程教育的环节与方法。
      STEM curriculum,which is gaining popularity in science and technology museums in China, finds its origin in USA,while STEM curriculum is taught principally in schools there. Currently theories and practices guiding STEM curriculum are still lacking both at home and abroad, and a majority of STEM projects in science and technology museums in China are imported from foreign counterparts, the home-made and developed exhibits are rarely seen. The so-called“universally applied”cases make people question and doubt the necessity of STEM curriculum in science and technology museums. As a matter of fact,the overwhelming number of exhibits in science and technology museums is a result of a mixture among diverse disciplines,rich both in content and fun. You can find yourselves engaged into mutual help and enlightened in real situations through real experiencing,which enables it to conjure up group constructivism. The paper firstly analyzes the background of the birth of STEM curriculum and its educational functions,secondly delves theoretically into STEM curriculum in science and technology museums by utilizing constructivism education philosophy;and thirdly expounds on the good practices adopted by science and technology museums to conduct STEM curriculum by taking Shanghai Science and Technology Museum as a study case.
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