徐彦利,王卫英.香中别有韵 静待百花开——论刘慈欣《三体》系列小说[J].科普研究,2017,12(5):80~87
香中别有韵 静待百花开——论刘慈欣《三体》系列小说
A Unique Charming in Fragrance,a Quiet Wait for FlowersBlossoming——A Narrative Comment on The Three-Body by Liu Cixin
中文关键词: 《三体》 人物 科幻元素 文学性 思想性
英文关键词: The Three-Body  character  science fiction  literary  thinking
徐彦利 河北科技大学文法学院 
王卫英 中国科学技术出版社 
摘要点击次数: 2228
全文下载次数: 1391
      《地球往事》《黑暗森林》《死神永生》构成了刘慈欣的《三体》系列。小说塑造了一系列极具 个性的人物,在纷乱的宇宙战役中显示出各自不同的内心世界与行为准则。全篇气势恢宏,广泛涉及宏 观与微观世界,科幻元素密集,创造出独特的《三体》式定义与概念,刷新了中国科幻的叙事策略。在 惊心动魄的情节展开中,亦充分注意到小说的文学性,结构复杂,语言精致,悬念丛生,与同类题材的 作品相比,更注重科幻之外的思索与哲理探寻。
      “The Past of the Earth”,“Forest of Darkness”, and“A God of Death forever”are the series of novels of The Three-Body by Liu Cixin. The novel depicts a number of featured and outstanding characters,whose inner world and code of conduct are vividly displayed in the chaotic battles in the universe. The narrative in the whole novel is imposing, extensively involving the science fiction elements both in the macro and in micro world. That has given birth to the creation of unique-style work The Three- Body ,and shaped and elevated the narrative tactics used in science fiction in China. The novel attaches great importance to the literary depiction, which is delicate in language,and complex in structure with numerous twists and turns in the narrative setting. The novel seeks to focus more on philosophical exploration and thinking in science fiction, compared with works of the same nature.
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