王智新,梁 翠.基于空间效应的我国公民科学素质影响因素研究[J].科普研究,2018,13(1):25~32,77
A Study on the Impact Factors of Citizens’Scientific Literacy inChina Based on Spatial Effect
中文关键词: 公民科学素质 影响因素 空间效应 发展与民生
英文关键词: citizens’scientific literacy  impact factors  space effect  development and livelihood
王智新 中央司法警官学院信管系,河北大学经济学院 
梁 翠 中央司法警官学院法学院 
摘要点击次数: 2373
全文下载次数: 1446
      本文依据31 个省域数据,采用纳入空间效应的计量经济学模型,研究我国公民科学素质影响因素, 结果发现我国公民科学素质在地理空间上并不是完全随机分布,而是具有显著的空间依赖性,呈现出较为明 显的空间聚集效应;省域(截面单元)间的空间相关性在增强区域发展与民生程度,提高公民科学素质水平 分析和政策制定过程中发挥着重要的作用;发展与民生水平对公民科学素质具有明显的正向促进作用,具体 来说,地区科技创新水平、生态建设水平、经济发展水平、民生改善水平和社会发展水平由轻到重地影响公 民科学素质提高。另外,这些影响因素对公民科学素质的影响时滞为两年。这些研究结果对于深入研究我国 公民科学素质的规律性,探讨今后提升公民科学素质的新措施,具有一定的参考价值。
      Based on 31 provincial data,the paper studies impact factors of citizens’scientific literacy based on spatial effect in China by the econometrics model. The results show that citizens’scientific literacy is not scattered randomly in geographical space in China,but has significant spatial dependence,showing very obviously spatial aggregation effect. The spatial relevance of the province area(section unit)plays an important role in strengthening regional development and people’s livelihood,improving the level of scientific literacy analysis and policy-making process. Development and the livelihood have a significantly positive role in citizens’scientific literacy. Specifically,regional science and technology innovation level, ecological construction level,economic development level,the people’s livelihood improvement and social development level are the factors affecting the improvement of citizens’scientific literacy by sequence. In addition,the effect of the afore-mentioned impact factors of the citizens’scientific literacy will be shown in two years. Those conclusions have a certain reference value for studying scientific literacy in China, contributing towards exploring new measures to improve citizens’scientific literacy in the future.
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