The Theory and Method of the Activity Design of Science HistoryBased on Exhibits in Science Museum:In the Case of Electromagnetic
中文关键词: 科学史 科技馆 教育活动 科学事业 科学本质
英文关键词: history of science  science museum  activity  scientific cause  nature of science
罗跞 上海科技馆 
周颖 北京师范大学教育学部 
摘要点击次数: 2024
全文下载次数: 1245
      随着科学史、科学哲学与科学社会学主题成为科学教育的研究热点,科学史的教育价值不断受到研 究者的重视,特别是其对个体科学本质观的影响。科技馆展品资源丰富,便于利用科学史来提高学生的科学 本质观,但这方面的理论基础薄弱,且缺乏有效的设计方法。本研究首先开发出基于展品的科学史教育活动 设计框架,以此为理论依据,采用基于设计的研究方法,开发面向小学生的电磁案例,在第三轮实施前、后, 采用问卷调查法,对案例的教育效果进行评价,证明了设计框架和案例的有效性。本研究的理论、设计方法、 案例对进一步设计和实施科学史教育活动具有借鉴意义,可以推动科学史在场馆及学校教育中的应用,有效 提升个体科学本质观。
      With the development of science education,History,Philosophy and Sociology of Science (HPS)have become the focus of science education research,the educational value of history of science has captured more and more attention form science education researchers,especially its impact on the nature of science. Science museum is suitable for using the history of science to improve students’nature of science because of its rich resources,but the issue is lacking theoretical achievements. Firstly,the papers put forward the Framework for Activity of Science History Based on Exhibits(FASHBE),which may provide a guide for designing activity of history of science. Secondly,the case of electromagnetic was designed under the guide of the framework for primary school students. The Design-Based Research was applied to implement the case of electromagnetic three iterations so that we can revise it. We also used the questionnaires before and after case at the third implementation to measure and evaluate the educational effect of the case and the framework. The theory, the designing method,and the case are instructive for the design and implementation of the activity of history of science. It is helpful for history of science application in the school and science museum to improve individual’s understanding of the nature of science.
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