高宏斌,马俊锋.中国科普图书出版与销售情况管窥——以2015 年出版科普图书为例[J].科普研究,2018,13(6):66~75
中国科普图书出版与销售情况管窥——以2015 年出版科普图书为例
The Publication and Sales of Science Popularization Booksin China in 2015
中文关键词: 科普图书 出版 销售
英文关键词: Science popularization books  publication  sale
高宏斌 中国科普研究所 
马俊锋 中国科普研究所 
摘要点击次数: 1746
全文下载次数: 1521
      本文以2015 年出版的科普图书为例,从出版数量、学科分布、译著数量、丛书数量、定价、页码、 出版地、出版社、作者与译者、总销售数量及排名、总销售金额及排名等方面对其进行了统计和分析,力图 从“横截面”上对我国科普图书出版和销售情况进行全面了解和深入把握。通过统计分析得出,近年来我国 科普图书的发展形势喜人,但旧有问题依然明显。一方面印刷种类、数量节节攀升,网络销售增势迅猛,既 叫好又叫座的优秀作品不断涌现,另一方面选题重复、表述形式单一、单种图书印刷数量和销售数量较低、 原创科普图书的平均水平与引进图书存在着不小的差距等旧有问题仍然制约着科普图书的发展。
      With an attempt to make a statistics and analysis of Science Popularization books published in 2015 from the number of the books published,disciplines distribution,translation,series number, pricing,page,publication and press,the author and the translator,total sales number and ranking, total sales amount,and ranking,the aim of the research is to have a comprehensive and in-depth understanding of the publishing and sales of science books in China. In recent years,the development of Science popularization books in China is encouraging, whereas,the old problems are still lingering on. On one hand,the type and quantity of printing are rising steadily,and the online sales are increasing rapidly. On the other hand,the old problems such as the repetition of topics,the single expression,the low number and sales of single books,and the gap between the average level of original books and the imported books still restrict the development of Science Popularization books.
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