李秀菊,邵 慧,刘 晟.科普场馆教育工作者的科学本质观调查研究[J].科普研究,2019,14(5):72~78
An Investigation on Science Institutes Educators’View about theNature of Science
中文关键词: 科普场馆 教育工作者 科学本质观
英文关键词: science education institute  science museum educators  the nature of science(NOS)
李秀菊 中国科普研究所 
邵 慧 北京师范大学 
刘 晟 北京师范大学 
摘要点击次数: 1051
全文下载次数: 516
      以科技馆和科技类博物馆为代表的校外场馆的科学教育对于提升人的科学素质方面具有重要的作用。 理解科学本质(Understanding the Nature of Science)是科学素质的重要组成部分,是科学教育的重要目标之 一。科普场馆的教育工作者对科学本质的理解对于完成科学教育目标具有重要作用。本研究以 181 位科普场 馆教育工作者的量表调查为基础,探讨了科普场馆教育工作者对科学本质理解的现状以及具体表现。结果表 明:科普场馆教育工作者对科学本质的理解水平一般,整体有待提高,呈现出理解比较传统、笼统、表面化, 以及个别维度的理解缺失等特点。在此基础上,本研究提出了改进建议。
      Informal science education institutes such as science and technology museums and science related museums play important roles in improving people’s scientific literacy. Understanding the nature of science(NOS)is the important part of scientific literacy and is also one of the main goals of science education. For educators in science education institutes,to deeply understanding of the nature of science has significant meanings on achieving the goals of science education. This article explored the status of 181 educators’views about nature of science based on survey at science education institutes. The results showed that the understanding of NOS of educators in science education institutes is on medium level, and it needs to be improved generally; most of science education institutes’educators’understanding of NOS is superficial and traditional. This article also gave some suggestions on improving the science education institutes educators’understanding of NOS.
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