徐卓昀,郑慧玉,朱烜知,柴 玥.科普类微信公众号 ——“丁香医生”的传播现状及对策分析[J].科普研究,2019,14(6):70~78
科普类微信公众号 ——“丁香医生”的传播现状及对策分析
An Analysis on the Present Situation of Popular Science WeChatPublic Accounts:Take the Clove Doctors as an Example
中文关键词: 丁香医生 科普类 热点 传播效果
英文关键词: Clove doctors  Science Popularization WeChat  Hot spots  Communication effect
徐卓昀 大连理工大学 
郑慧玉 大连理工大学 
朱烜知 大连理工大学 
柴 玥 大连理工大学 
摘要点击次数: 2270
全文下载次数: 1509
      网络社交平台大规模地发展,打破了传统媒体的权威性传播机制。而在这期间迅速发展起来的科普 类微信公众号,成功改变了泛娱乐化内容无意义的传播效果。本研究选择了以“丁香医生”为代表的科普类 微信公众号,从它的发展现状、推文特征、传播效果统计等方面出发,利用文本解读、统计数据以及个案分 析等多种研究方法,发现其在传播过程中存在传播转化率低,用户粘性不够;市场定位不清晰,整合营销能 力弱;内容生产同质化、滞后性严重等问题。计划对“丁香医生”进行全方位多角度的剖析,从而提出有价 值的参考建议和完善的推广方案,以提高整体的传播效率、扩大传播范围。
      Social networking platforms such as Weibo,WeChat have developed on a large scale,and have challenged the authority of transmission mechanism of the traditional media. WeChat accounts for science popularization,as a fresh stream,to a certain extent changed the communication effect of the meaningless entertainment content. This study started from the science popularization public WeChat accounts’present developmenting situation,discovered some that the process of communication represented by“clove doctors”has some problems. For example,the existing spread conversion rate is low;The users loyalty is not enough;Market target is not clear; The integrated marketing ability is weak;Content production looks homogeneous. This paper tried to make helpful valuable advice and better solution through the case study of the“clove doctors”.
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