周荣庭,柏江竹.新冠肺炎疫情下科技馆线上应急科普路径设计 ——以中国科技馆为例[J].科普研究,2020,15(1):91~98
新冠肺炎疫情下科技馆线上应急科普路径设计 ——以中国科技馆为例
Online Emergency Science Popularization Solutions for Science andTechnology Museums in the Course of Combating COVID-19:A Case Study on China Science and Technology Museum
中文关键词: 新冠肺炎 应急科普 中国科技馆
英文关键词: novel coronavirus pneumonia  science museum  emergency science popularization, China Science and Technology Museum  emergency context
周荣庭 中国科学技术大学科技传播与科技政策系 
柏江竹 中国科学技术大学科技传播与科技政策系 
摘要点击次数: 1609
全文下载次数: 1129
      科技馆本应是突发事件中开展应急科普活动的“排头兵”,但在新冠肺炎疫情的影响下,科技馆的线 下科普活动无法开展,因此及时开展线上应急科普对于科技馆而言意义重大。根据科学传播的语境模型设计 了新冠肺炎疫情下科技馆线上应急科普路径,针对科技馆应急科普现状,考察了应急语境下的受众知识缺失 特征,设计了触发需求、应急传播和反馈评估3 个阶段,构建了科技馆的应急科普策略,并结合中国科技馆 在本次疫情中的线上应急科普实践,总结经验、发现问题并提出相关建议。
      Science and technology museums should serve as pilots in emergency science popularization while facing unexpected public events. However,after the outbreak of COVID-19,the offline science popularization was hindered by the epidemic of novel coronavirus pneumonia,so it is of great significance that science and technology museums turn to online emergency science popularization. Current research proposed an online emergency science popularization solution based on contextual model of science communication to respond to the epidemic. Taking the characteristics of public knowledge absence under emergency context into consideration,the emergency science popularization routine for science and technology museums has been designed in three steps,namely the demand triggering step, the emergent communicating step and the feed-back-evaluating step. What’s more,the experiences of online emergency science popularization practiced by China Science and Technology Museum in the course of combating COVID-19 are summarized, and suggestions are put forward.
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