褚建勋,李佳柔,马 晋.基于云合数据的新冠肺炎疫情 应急科普大数据分析[J].科普研究,2020,15(2):35~42
基于云合数据的新冠肺炎疫情 应急科普大数据分析
Big Data Analysis on Emergency Science Popularization under COVID-19Based on the Yunhe Data
中文关键词: 新冠肺炎疫情 网络舆情 应急科普 大数据
英文关键词: COVID-19  public opinion  emergency science popularization  big data
褚建勋 中国科学技术大学科学传播研究与发展中心 
李佳柔 中国科学技术大学科技传播与科技政策系 
马 晋 合肥市第一人民医院干部病房 
摘要点击次数: 1304
全文下载次数: 732
      针对当前新冠肺炎疫情的网络舆情和应急科普存在的问题进行调研分析,主要借助云合数据平台采 集新冠肺炎疫情的网络舆情走势、应急科普热搜话题词云图等资料进行大数据分析,配合大数据趋势进一步 在线问卷调查受众在新冠肺炎疫情中的应急科普诉求及相应的问题等。经数据分析验证,网络舆情信息与疫 情进程紧密相关,但现实中的应急科普实践与公众应急科普诉求存在一定差异,包括传播主体的权威性、知 识信息的全面性等层面。在此基础上,提出应急科普的若干建议,以期为新冠肺炎疫情背景下的应急科普实 践提供更多具有现实意义的思考。
      This paper focuses on the performances of the Chinese internet public opinion and the emergency science popularization(ESP)in current COVID-19 situations,based on the collecting of the big data of public opinion trends as well as the cloud chart of hot topic words in Chinese from Yunhe Data Platform,and then investigates the public demands on ESP against COVID-19 through online survey. The big data analysis shows there are close relations between the COVID-19 epidemic situations and public opinion trends,and the ESP practice in China could hardly match the public demands in the aspects of information authority and knowledge comprehensiveness. Based on the above study,four suggestions are proposed for the emergency science popularization in China in such situation.
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