丁苏雅,徐 丹,王伊男,王 聪.科学传播职称对科学传播人才队伍建设的影响 ——基于北京地区事业单位科学传播人员的调查[J].科普研究,2020,15(5):65~71,96
科学传播职称对科学传播人才队伍建设的影响 ——基于北京地区事业单位科学传播人员的调查
The Impact of Scientific Communication Titles on the Constructionof Scientific Communication Talents:Based on a Survey of ScienceCommunication Personnel of Government-affiliated Institutions in Beijing
中文关键词: 科学传播人才 科学传播职称 科学传播
英文关键词: science communication talents  science communication titles  science communication
丁苏雅 中国科学院大学人文学院 
徐 丹 北京科普发展中心 
王伊男 北京科普发展中心 
王 聪 中国科学院大学人文学院 
摘要点击次数: 1038
全文下载次数: 902
      以北京地区事业单位科学传播人员为调查对象,采用问卷调查的方法,从吸引和留住人才两个方 面,探究设定科学传播职称对科学传播人才队伍建设的影响。结果显示,设定科学传播职称被认为是吸引 和留住人才的有效方式,与调整已有职称体系相比,被调查者更认同设定科学传播职称的措施,且年龄和 从业时间不同的群体对不同措施的相对重要性有不同的判断。
      Taking people of science communication from the government-affiliated institutions in Beijing as target audience in a survey,this paper explores,through questionnaire,how science communication title attracts and retains science communication talents,and discusses,on this basis,the impact of such title on the construction of science communication personnel. Mapping results show that science communication title is believed as an effective measure to attract and retain science communication talents. Compared with adjusting the existing title system,the introducing of science communication title is viewed as more important,but it differs among respondents of different ages and length of employment.
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