周荣庭,李 珮.媒介融合下应急科普模式的重要转变 ——以非典和新冠肺炎为例[J].科普研究,2021,16(2):85~91
媒介融合下应急科普模式的重要转变 ——以非典和新冠肺炎为例
The Transformation of Emergency Science Popularization Mode in theContext of Media Convergence: A Case Study of SARS and COVID-19 Events
中文关键词: 应急科普 媒介融合 新冠肺炎 非典
英文关键词: emergency science popularization  media convergence  COVID-19  SARS
周荣庭 中国科学技术大学科技传播与科技政策系 沉浸式媒体技术文化和旅游部重点实验室 
李 珮 中国科学技术大学科技传播与科技政策系 沉浸式媒体技术文化和旅游部重点实验室 
摘要点击次数: 929
全文下载次数: 471
      以严重急性呼吸综合征(SARS,以下简称非典)和新型冠状病毒感染导致的肺炎疫情 (COVID—19,以下简称新冠肺炎疫情)为例,结合数字互动服务“2-3-6”模型,对融合媒介环境下科普 工作的新要素、新平台和新形态重新进行了梳理。通过对两次疫情的对比,提出在媒介融合背景下突发公 共卫生事件科普的三大转变:信息从多次断点续传到全程实时“直播”、媒介从单一渠道呈现到全息真实再 现,以及公众从被动接收理解到主动全员参与等,希冀为当前应急科普模式的构建和创新实践提供参考和 借鉴。
      This research took SARS and COVID-19 as cases,with digital interactive services “2-3-6”model as framework,summarized the new elements,new platforms,and new forms of science popularization in the media convergence environment. Under the background of technology leading media convergence,this paper put forward the emergency transformation happened on the science popularization in three dimensions,namely the transformation of information from the multiple breakpoints to the “live broadcast” at the whole process,the transformation of media from single channel to holographic real reproduction,and the transformation of audience from passive reception to interactive participation,and to provided reference for the construction and innovative practice of emergency popularization mode under the media convergence environment.
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