豆 扬,高宏斌.新中国成立以来中国科教电影主题变迁探究 ——以片名为切入点[J].科普研究,2021,16(3):22~29
新中国成立以来中国科教电影主题变迁探究 ——以片名为切入点
Research on the Theme Changes of Chinese Science and Education Films Since the Founding of the People’s Republic of China ——Using the Title as a Cut-in Point
中文关键词: 科教电影 科学传播 科学精神 科学与社会
英文关键词: science and education film  science communication  science spirit  science and society
豆 扬 中国科学院大学人文学院 
高宏斌 中国科普研究所 
摘要点击次数: 899
全文下载次数: 477
      科教电影作为科学传播的重要方式,在不同社会语境下呈现出阶段差异。本研究以科教片片名为 切入点,对新中国成立以来的科教电影进行了主题探究和阶段划分——以爱国卫生运动为开端的实用技术 时期、规范化宣传实用技术时期、解放思想的多元化科教电影时期、从实用主义向人文主义的迈进期,并 发现其中科学传播观念的转变。
      As an important way of science communication,science and education films have different stages in different social contexts. This research takes the title of science and education film as a cut-in point and divide them into four periods since the founding of the People’s Republic of China in 1949:(1)the period of practical technology that started with the patriotic health movemen;(2)the period of standardized propaganda of practical technology;(3)the period of diversified science and education films to emancipate the mind,and (4)the period of progress from pragmatism to humanism. In these different periods,changes in the concept of science communication can be found.
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