武 丹,张 鑫.县级融媒体中心科技传播能力的 影响机理研究[J].科普研究,2022,17(4):23~30,39
县级融媒体中心科技传播能力的 影响机理研究
Research on the Influence Mechanism of Science CommunicationCapacity of County-level Media Convergence Center
中文关键词: 县级融媒体中心 科技传播能力 影响机理 扎根理论
英文关键词: county-level media convergence center  science communication capacity  influence mechanism  grounded theory
武 丹 中国科普研究所 
张 鑫 东北大学工商管理学院 
摘要点击次数: 476
全文下载次数: 285
      县级融媒体中心作为我国全新媒体布局中的重要一环,担负着引导群众、服务群众的重大责任。 增强县级融媒体中心的科技传播能力是提高公民科学素质的一种有效途径。而明确传播中的各种影响因素, 是提升县级融媒体中心科技传播能力的前提和基础。本研究采用扎根理论方法,探究出影响县级融媒体中 心科技传播能力的五大层面(国家、县域、县级融媒体中心组织、成员个体、公众)和16 个具体的影响因 素,依此构建了影响机理模型,并分析了所有因素对县级融媒体中心科技传播能力的作用和影响。最后, 针对不同层面提出相应的建议和对策:加强国家政策引导、完善政策体系;将县级融媒体科技传播能力纳 入县域考核指标;县级融媒体中心应制定相应管理制度,加强人才培训;通过先进技术获取公众关注点以 进行科技传播产品的创作。
      As an important part of China’s new media layout,the county-level media convergence center is responsible for guiding and serving the masses. Enhancing the science communication capacity of county-level media convergence center is an effective way to improve public scientific literacy. Clarifying various influencing factors in communication is the premise and foundation of improving the science communication capacity of the county-level media convergence center. This study uses the method of grounded theory to explore 5 levels(national,county,the county-level media convergence center organization,member individuals,and the public)and 16 factors affecting the science communication capacity of the county-level media convergence center. constructs the influence mechanism model,and analyzes the role and impact of all factors on science communication capacity. Finally,corresponding suggestions and countermeasures are put forward for different levels,mainly including:strengthening national policy guidance and improving policy system;the science communication capacity of countylevel media convergence center will be included in the county-level assessment indicators;county-level media convergence center shall formulate corresponding management system and strengthen personnel training;obtaining public attention through advanced technology to create science communication products.
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