李红林,何 薇,胡俊平,王京春,王 挺.世界公众数字素养与技能测评的发展述评[J].科普研究,2022,17(6):15~24
A Review on the Assessment of Digital Literacy and Skills
中文关键词: 数字社会 数字素养 数字技能 公民数字能力框架 测评
英文关键词: digital society  digital literacy  digital skills  DigComp  assessment
李红林 中国科普研究所 
何 薇 中国科普研究所 
胡俊平 中国科普研究所 
王京春 中国科普研究所 
王 挺 中国科普研究所 
摘要点击次数: 785
全文下载次数: 794
      当前,世界范围内的数字素养与技能测评多聚焦于研究、教育、技能认证等领域,而更广泛范围内 的公民数字素养与技能测评成为一种趋势和现实需要。结合对欧盟公民数字能力框架及其测评实践的典型分 析,提出对我国公民数字素养与技能测评的建议:面向超大规模的14 亿多人口整体提升数字素养与技能,强 化基础研究以构建稳健和可扩展的测评体系,选择恰当的测评方案以兼顾国内测评和国际可比,关注测评结 果的有效使用。
      At present,the worldwide digital literacy and skill assessment are mainly in the field of research,education,and skill certification,while a wider range of citizens’digital literacy and skill assessment has become a trend and practical need. Based on the typical analysis of the EU Digital Competence Framework and its assessment practice,this paper puts forward some suggestions on the assessment of Chinese citizens' digital literacy and skills:We should strengthen the basic research on digital literacy and skills to build a robust and scalable assessment system,select appropriate assessment schemes to take into account domestic characteristics and international comparability,pay attention to the effective use of the assessment results to promote the overall improvement of digital literacy and skills of the whole people.
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