Strengthening the Science Popularization Supply of Scientific andTechnological Innovation Subjects:Theoretical Basis and Policy Ideas
中文关键词: 科学普及 科技创新主体 科普供给体系
英文关键词: science popularization  science and technology innovation  science popularization supply system
翟翠霞 科技部科技评估中心 
王越婷 科技部科技评估中心 
张俊清 科技部科技评估中心 
摘要点击次数: 694
全文下载次数: 417
      为解决我国全社会科普组织实施体系中科技创新主体科普行动薄弱这一现实问题,本文将科技创新 主体作为新时期科普供给体系高阶转型的着力点,基于历史、理论、现实逻辑分析,阐释新时期强化科技创 新主体科普供给的基本含义,构建了以科技工作者为核心的科普组织实施概念模型,并解析其基本特征。同 时,充分借鉴国内外相关机构的典型做法,秉持继续加强政策引导的总思路,提出了构建知识生产者“三全” 型综合绩效管理体系、打造科普助力知识生产者创新创业的利益驱动机制、按照党管宣传原则优化线上线下 科普网络、以科普为依托开拓新时期学术交流与合作等引导科技创新主体科普供给的政策建议。
      To solve the practical problem that the science popularization action of science and technology innovation main bodies is weak in the implementing and organizing system of science popularization in the whole society of China,the paper regarded science and technology innovation main bodies as the focus of high-level transformation of science popularization supply system in the new period. Based on the historical, theoretical and realistic logic analysis,the paper explained the basic meaning of strengthening science popularization supply of science and technology innovation subjects in the new period,and constructed a conceptual model of science popularization organization implementation with science and technology workers as the core,and analyzed its basic characteristics. At the same time,by fully drawing on the typical practices of relevant institutions of domestic and abroad,adhering to the general idea of continuing to strengthen policy guidance,we proposed to build a“three guarantees”comprehensive performance management system for knowledge producers,create an interest-driven mechanism for science popularization to help knowledge producers innovate and start businesses,and optimize online and offline science popularization communication networks according to the principle of party supervising propaganda,based on science popularization,we should explore academic exchanges and cooperation in the new era and other policy suggestions to guide the science popularization supply of science and technology innovation main bodies.
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