陈思懿,常明芝.健康科普的内容设计策略探索:基于HPV 疫苗的实验研究[J].科普研究,2022,17(6):80~89,107
健康科普的内容设计策略探索:基于HPV 疫苗的实验研究
Exploration of Content Design for Health Science Popularization:An Experimental Study Based on HPV Vaccine
中文关键词: 健康科普 感知易感性 科学叙事 信息框架 实验法
英文关键词: health popularization  perceived susceptibility  science narrative  message framing  experimental method
陈思懿 清华大学社会科学学院 
常明芝 华中科技大学新闻与信息传播学院 
摘要点击次数: 651
全文下载次数: 543
      本研究以中国某官方媒体网站上的一则关于HPV 疫苗的科学新闻为基础,设计了以信息框架(增益 框架、损益框架)和叙事类型(情节叙事、人物叙事)为核心的实验,对336 名女性进行了问卷调查,以探 讨不同信息框架和叙事类型下的科普效果。研究发现,当采用人物叙事的叙事类型时,增益框架的表达方式 更能提高公众感知易感性的健康信念,进而更能促进人们采纳健康行为。研究结果加深了对健康科普内容有 效性的理解,对提高公众的健康意识和促进HPV 疫苗的科学普及有所启发。
      Based on a scientific news article about the HPV vaccine on an official Chinese media website,this study designed an experiment on 336 women aged 18~26 to explore the effectiveness of science popularization under different framing(gain vs loss)and narrative types(plot-oriented vs character-oriented). This article found that when we use character-oriented narrative,the adoption of gain framing was more likely to increase the public’s perceived susceptibility to health beliefs,which in turn was to promote health behaviors. This study deepens our understanding of the effectiveness of science narrative on the HPV vaccine and provides insight into raising public health awareness in China.
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