颜 燕.新中国第一个科普行政机构探析[J].科普研究,2023,18(1):87~95,104
An Analysis of the First Administrative Institution in New China
中文关键词: 科学普及局 科普 行政机构 普及与提高
英文关键词: The Bureau of Science Popularization  science popularization  administrative institution  popularization and improvement
颜 燕 中国科普研究所 
摘要点击次数: 574
全文下载次数: 326
      科学普及局是新中国成立后党领导下的第一个专门科普行政机构,它是在当时的时代背景下落实党 和国家科普工作指导思想的产物,体现了科学普及的重要地位。它明确了新中国成立初期科普工作的基本方 针,致力于建立全国的科普行政机构网,并为全国性科普群众团体的成立打造社会基础,通过典型实验等方 式开展了一系列探索性的科普工作。受科普工作的特性及当时社会发展水平的制约,科学普及局最终被合并, 但它推动了当时科普工作的开展,为中华全国自然科学普及协会的建立和科普事业的发展奠定了一定的基础, 在我国科普建制化进程中具有重要意义。
      The Bureau of Science Popularization was the first specialized science popularization administrative institution under CPU’s leadership after PRC’s founding. It was the product of implementing the guidelines on science popularization in the new era and represented the importance of science popularization at that time. It tried to establish a national science popularization administrative organization network,created a foundation for establishing science popularization mass organizations,and carried out some model works,etc. Restricted by the characteristics of science popularization work and the level of social development at that time,the Bureau of Science Popularization did not perform its duties well and was finally merged. However,it laid a foundation for the establishment of the national science popularization mass organization and the development of science popularization. It has a milestone significance in the process of science popularization institutionalization in China.
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