李无言,宋 娴.科技场馆展教活动分众化的 实践现状及改进策略探析 ——基于场馆教育人员的实证考察[J].科普研究,2023,18(2):29~37
科技场馆展教活动分众化的 实践现状及改进策略探析 ——基于场馆教育人员的实证考察
Exploration and Analysis on the Current Situation and ImprovementStrategies of Segmentation Practice of Exhibition-Based EducationalPrograms in Science and Technology Museums:Based on theEmpirical Investigation of Museum Educators
中文关键词: 科技场馆 分众化 展教活动 教育人员
英文关键词: science and technology museums  visitor demassification/segmentation  Exhibition-Based educational programs  museum educators
李无言 上海科技馆 
宋 娴 上海科技馆 
摘要点击次数: 582
全文下载次数: 375
      展教活动是科技场馆实现非正式教育职能的主要手段。随着观众需求日益复杂多样,将展教活动分 众化、为观众提供针对性服务成为科技场馆提质增效、获得长足发展的必要手段之一,但尚未有实证研究深 入探讨当前科技场馆展教活动分众化的实践现状。本研究采用质性研究方法,对22 家场馆的27 位教育人员 进行半结构化访谈,并使用Nvivo11.0 软件对访谈结果进行编码分析,发现展览支撑、活动策划和活动实施 是分众化实践中的重要维度,提炼其中要点能够初步构建展教活动分众化实践理想模型。在此基础上,提出 科技场馆可从多层次的分众展览支撑、全方位的分众教育策划和全流程的分众教育实施三方面着手,系统性 地改进展教活动的建议,以期为科技场馆优化展教工作提供参考和借鉴。
      Exhibition-Based educational programs are a major tool for science and technology museums to deliver informal science education. To address visitors' increasingly complex and diverse needs, science and technology museums should use visitor segmentation and service orientation to design Exhibition-Based educational programs to achieve quality,efficient and sustainable development. However,there is a lack of empirical study that explores the current situation,existing issues and improvement strategies of Exhibition-Based educational programs with visitor segmentation in science and technology museums. Thus,this study applies the qualitative research method to conduct semistructured interviews with 27 educators from 22 museums,and analyse interview results using the Nvivo 11.0 software. According to the study,exhibition support,program planning and program implementation are key elements of educational programs with visitor segmentation.Identifying core elements of the practice can be conducive to setting up an ideal model for organizing targeted programs. On this basis,it is proposed that science and technology museums could improve the quality of their educational programs in three aspects:visitor-based exhibition support,all-around customized program planning and whole-process program implementation. The results can provide a reference and basis for optimizing exhibition-based educational programs in science and technology museums.
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