王 明.公共突发事件的科学辟谣机制比较研究[J].科普研究,2023,18(2):47~53,82
A Comparative Study on Typical Refutation Mechanisms for Scienceand Technology Related Rumors for Emergency Management
中文关键词: 科学谣言 辟谣机制 协同共治 公众参与
英文关键词: rumor related to science and technology  rumor refutation mechanism  collaborative governance  public participation
王 明 湖南科技大学法学与公共管理学院 
摘要点击次数: 516
全文下载次数: 275
      在公共突发事件中,网络科学谣言危害社会稳定和公共利益,在应急科普中构建科学辟谣机制是应 对网络科学谣言的重要手段。目前科学辟谣机制包括政府自主型、媒体主导型、公众参与型和多方联合型四 种,对这四种辟谣机制的优劣势进行分析,有助于构建更为有效的谣言治理体系。研究表明,加强对网络科 学谣言的治理,需要整合不同辟谣平台,构建谣言治理共同体,综合发挥四类辟谣机制的各自优势。各级政 府应将辟谣工作纳入舆情管理体系,加强政府主导的联合辟谣机制建设,推动公众有序参与辟谣。
      In public emergencies, rumor related to science and technologyon the internet damage social stability and shared interests. Scientific rumor refutation is a key method to deal with it. The traditional anti-rumor mechanism mainly includes four types such as government-leading,media-leading, public participation and multi-agent collaboration. Analyzing the advantages and disadvantages of the above mechanism in rumor refutation will help to build a more effective rumor governance system. To strengthen the governance of the rumors related to science and technology,we need to integrate different anti-rumor organizations,build a rumor governance community,and take advantage of the four types of rumor suppression mechanisms. Governments at all levels should incorporate the anti-rumor job into the public opinion management work system,strengthen the construction of joint anti-rumor mechanism led by the government,and create an accessible way for public participation.
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