陈奕喆,严晓梅,王凤英.基于科学大概念设计场馆课程 ——落实馆校结合的模式探索[J].科普研究,2023,18(4):87~96
基于科学大概念设计场馆课程 ——落实馆校结合的模式探索
Design Science Museum Course with the Science Big Idea:TheModel Exploration for the Museum-School Collaboration
中文关键词: 大概念 场馆课程设计 馆校结合 科学教育
英文关键词: big idea  museum course design  Museum-School collaboration  science education
陈奕喆 上海交通大学教育学院 
严晓梅 上海交通大学教育学院 
王凤英 上海辰山植物园 
摘要点击次数: 580
全文下载次数: 397
      在加强面向青少年的科学教育背景下,构建基于大概念理论的场馆课程设计框架能为落实馆校结 合的场馆课程设计提供支持。一是目标维度,馆校科学教育均可统一于理解科学大概念,即能被灵活迁移 运用的学科核心知识;二是内容维度,大概念层级框架可以定位馆校各自的特色,有助于充分发挥所长。 本研究通过开展小学生植物园课程设计与实施,检验了该模式的应用。围绕叶子的环境适应性主题,研究 发现学校情境更多聚焦小概念和抽象核心概念理解,因此场馆情境可以侧重关联丰富具体现象和小概念归 纳。课程实施的效果研究发现,基于大概念设计的场馆课程可以促进学生达成更具关联性、抽象性、迁移 性的概念理解,进而与其学校经验相补充。为此,大概念理论可以助力我国场馆充分发挥教育效能,使场 馆课程关注具体科学现象感知,以大概念为主线串联各环节,整合场馆资源。从而实现馆校深度融合、协 同发展、各展所长。
      This research constructed a curriculum-design model based on big idea theory,which focused on students’understanding of core concepts and application of science knowledge,thus providing a possible framework for the collaboration of museums and schools. Specifically,museums and schools shared the common goal of prompting students to understand science big ideas,while having respective context features. Accordingly,a botanical garden science course for primary school students was designed under this model. As a result,participants showed more abstract and transferable conceptual understanding after the course learning. In the future,Chinese science museums could focus more on students’perception of science phenomena and course integrity based on big idea theory in order to complement school science education.
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