Research on User Ethics in the Era of Generative Artificial Intelligence
中文关键词: 生成式人工智能 使用者伦理 技术道德化 数字素养
英文关键词: generative artificial intelligence  user ethics  moralizing technology  digital literacy
闫宏秀 上海交通大学科学史与科学文化研究院 
杨映瑜 上海交通大学科学史与科学文化研究院 
摘要点击次数: 335
全文下载次数: 240
      In the existing discussions on the ethical governance of generative artificial intelligence (AI),user-level ethics have long been overlooked. Interactivity and generativity,as key attributes of generative AI,open an effective path for users to present themselves. The fusion of users and developers in the era of generative AI has long surpassed the integration of producers and consumers in economic activities,leading to the reconstruction of human social forms and the reshaping of humanity’s future. Therefore,the emergence and prioritization of user ethics should be seen as the future development direction of digital literacy. By combining individual and societal levels with the dimensions of positive and negative ethics,the constructed user ethics matrix provides a fundamental framework for the moral guidelines and norms that users should adhere to when facing and applying generative AI. To better implement this framework it requires the joint efforts of technology users,technology designers (developers),and technology regulators to promote a closer and more benevolent relationship between humans and technology,safeguarding human well-being and the future.
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