A Study on Graded Evaluation of Civic Scientific Literacy:Based onthe Data of the 13th National Civic Scientific Literacy Sampling Survey
中文关键词: 科学素质 分级评价 结构特征
英文关键词: scientific literacy  graded evaluation  structural feature
任磊 中国科普研究所 
马崑翔 中国科普研究所 
王祯梅 中国科普研究所 
冯婷婷 中国科普研究所 
高宏斌 中国科普研究所 
摘要点击次数: 173
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      传统测评公民是否具备科学素质的二元判定方法过于单一,无法充分反映科学素质发展的层次特 征,需进一步拓展科学素质的评价方法。本文以 2023 年第十三次中国公民科学素质抽样调查数据为基础, 参考国际相关调查的分级评价方法,开展我国公民科学素质分级评价研究。在调查结果的统计分布基础上结 合国际测评等级划分的主要原则,本文将我国公民划分为具备高阶科学素质、具备科学素质、具备基本科学 素质、具备较少科学素质 4 个等级,分析不同科学素质等级之间的层次差异与结构发展特征。通过回归分析 探索分级科学素质与教育、经济和科技创新能力的作用关系,结果表明:教育因素对具备科学素质和具备高 阶科学素质产生显著正向影响,具备科学素质和具备高阶科学素质人群是经济发展和创新发展的正向影响因 素。综上所述,科学素质的二元划分与分级评价互为补充,二元划分直观明确且与科学素质概念直接对应, 分级评价作为二元划分的扩展,能够进一步细化不同人群科学素质的分布情况,更加全面反映不同人群科学 素质的结构发展特征。
      The traditional binary assessment method for determining scientific literacy is overly simplistic and does not adequately reflect the development characteristics of scientific literacy across various demographics. Therefore,there is a need to further expand the evaluation methods for scientific literacy. This paper is based on data from the 13th National Civic Scientific Literacy Sampling Survey in 2023 and references international graded evaluation methods to conduct a study on the graded evaluation of scientific literacy among citizens. By combining the main principles of international assessment level divisions with statistical distributions of survey results,citizens are categorized into four levels: possessing high-level scientific literacy,possessing scientific literacy,possessing basic scientific literacy and possessing minimal scientific literacy. The study analyzes the hierarchical differences and structural development characteristics between these different levels of scientific literacy. The relationship between graded scientific literacy and factors such as education,economy,and scientific technological innovation capability is explored through regression analysis. The results indicate that educational factors significantly positively impact individuals with scientific literacy and those with high-level scientific literacy. Furthermore,individuals with scientific literacy and high-level scientific literacy positivelyinfluence economic development and innovation. In conclusion,binary classification and graded evaluation of scientific literacy are complementary. While binary classification is straightforward and directly corresponds to scientific literacy,graded evaluation,as an extension of binary classification, can further delineate the distribution of scientific literacy among different populations,providing a more comprehensive reflection of their structural development characteristics.
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