Experiences and Implications of the Scientific and TechnicalCurriculum Setting for General Education in American Universities:Based on the Cases of Two Top-Ranking Universities
中文关键词: 美国高校 科技通识课程 通识教育 课程设置
英文关键词: American universities  scientific and technical general education curriculum  generaleducation  curriculum setting
高潇怡 北京师范大学教育学部 
任佳妮 北京师范大学教育学部 
赵明宇 中国科普研究所 
摘要点击次数: 147
全文下载次数: 89
      作为全球顶尖高校和通识教育改革的策源地,美国哈佛大学和斯坦福大学开展了多轮通识教育改 革,建立起了重视科学技术、结构完备的通识教育体系,为我国高校紧跟全球化时代发展与变迁的脚步、重 塑科技通识课程提供了参照。本研究基于课程大纲、学生手册及文献资料,分析两所高校科技通识课程的历 史沿革及现实情况,总结其科技通识课程设置的先进经验。研究发现,美国高校科技通识课程设置在目标理 念上,致力于培养具有科学精神、能够进行科学决策的世界公民;在主题选择上,立足历史和社会背景,面 向未来,聚焦全球性科学议题;在内容组织上,提倡跨学科和案例学习,以驱动性问题整合课程。借鉴其经 验并立足我国高校的特点,我国高校在进行科技通识课程改革时,应明确科技通识课程定位,基于国情、校 情更新课程目标理念;突出学科融合和专业交叉,把握科技发展动态和国际竞争焦点;遵循思维进阶和实践 逻辑,构建科技通识课程内容的整合式框架。
      As the world’s top-ranking universities and the birthplace of general education reform, Harvard and Stanford have carried out several rounds of general education reform and established a well- structured general education system emphasizing science and technology,which can provide a reference for Chinese universities to keep up with the development and changes of the globalization and reshape their scientific and technical curriculum setting for general education. Based on the curriculum outline, student handbook and literature,this paper analyzed the history and reality of scientific and technical curriculum setting for general education in two universities,and summarized their advanced experience. The results showed that:in terms of goals and ideas,the scientific and technical curriculum setting for general education in American universities are committed to cultivating world citizens with scientific spirit and capable of making scientific decisions;in terms of the selection of course themes,their courses are based on historical and social backgrounds,oriented to the future,and focused on global scientific issues;in terms of the organization of contents,their courses advocate interdisciplinary and case learning,and integrate the courses with driving questions. Drawing on the above experience and based on the characteristics of Chinese universities,Chinese universities should clarify the orientation of scientific and technical curriculum settings for general education and update the curriculum objectives based on the current realities of the country and the university;highlight the integration of disciplines, grasp the dynamics of scientific and technological development and the focus of international competition;and follow the thinking progression and practical logic to build an integrated framework of scientific and technical contents.
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