International Science Teacher PD Programs:Content,Models,and Insights
中文关键词: 科学教师 科学知识 科学探究 学科教学知识 培训模式 培训效果
英文关键词: science teachers  science content knowledge  science inquiry  pedagogical contentknowledge  professional development model  professional development effect
孙慧芳 北京教育学院 
李秀菊 中国科普研究所 
摘要点击次数: 124
全文下载次数: 99
      加强科学教师培训是新时代党和国家对科学教育提出的更高要求,也是推进科学教育高质量发展 的必然选择。本研究通过对 56 篇研究在职科学教师培训项目的 SSCI 文章进行分析,发现国际科学教师培 训的内容聚焦综合性与前沿性的科学知识、包含多种模型与变式的科学探究、不同角度切入的学科教学知 识、数字化背景下增强科学教学的信息技术等主题;凝练出体验—实践—反思、示范—模仿、基于课程材料 的嵌入式学习、以课例为核心的个性化指导、真实参与科学实践、协同教学 6 种典型的培训模式;基于研究 发现的规律,得出我国科学教师培训的 3 点启示,将科学知识学习与教学法相结合、关注科学教师的实践转 化、开展对培训项目的追踪性评价。
      Strengthening the training of science teachers is a higher requirement for science education put forward by the Party and the state in the new era,and it is also an inevitable choice to promote the high-quality development of science education. An analysis of 56 SSCI articles reporting on in- service science teacher professional development programs reveals that the content of international science teacher professional development focuses on themes such as integrative and cutting-edge science content knowledge,science inquiry including multiple models and variations,diverse perspectives on pedagogical content knowledge,and enhancing science teaching with information technology. Six typical professional development modes have been distilled from the analysis:experience-practice- reflection,demonstration-imitation,embedded learning based on course materials,individualized guidance through lesson study,real participation in scientific practice,and co-teaching. Based on the findings of existing research,this study offers insights for in-service science teacher training in China: integrating science content knowledge and pedagogical content knowledge,paying attention to the practical application of science teachers,and conducting follow-up evaluations of training programs.
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