Construct Public Understanding and Trust in Science throughInvolvement:A Study Based on Citizen Science
中文关键词: 公民科学 公众理解科学 具身 信任 深度参与
英文关键词: citizen science  public understanding of science  embodiment  trust  involvement
陈强强 西藏民族大学马克思主义学院 
摘要点击次数: 146
全文下载次数: 43
      当前构建公众对科学的理解与信任,亟需“参与转向”,这要求公众深度参与科学实践。公民科学 快速而深入的发展,不仅在实践层面很好地示例了公众深度参与科学,而且反映了以往公众理解科学、公众 参与科学及公众信任科学中存在的主要问题。颇为典型的问题是公众在参与科学中缺乏积极性、主体性、具 身性及公众的过度参与。以公民科学为参与形式,公众通过不同程度的具身参与,不仅真正融入了科学实 践,获得了以往非具身参与难以企及的默会知识和深度理解,而且为信任科学奠定了经验基础。公众深度参 与科研活动产生的对科学的熟悉、理解及具身经验,是其信任科学的重要前提。由此,基于深度参与构建公 众对科学的信任在具体的公民科学实践中成为可能。公民科学的快速发展启示我国在推进公众理解、参与及 信任科学工作时,一要进一步提升对公民科学素质和公众参与科学的认知,深刻认识公民科学素质的多个维 度和公众参与科学的多元目的;二要加强相关政策制度,将政府支持与民间自治相结合;三要从组织和技术 两个层面加强公民科学实践方式的创新。
      At present,building public understanding of and trust in science requires a“participatory turn”,which calls for the public to participate deeply in scientific practice. The rapid and in-depth development of citizen science not only exemplified the deep public participation in scientific practice, but also reflected the main problems existing in public understanding of science,public participation in science and building public trust in science in the past. The typical problems are the lack of enthusiasm, subjectivity and embodiment in public participation and excessive public participation. With citizen science as a form of participation,the public,through different degrees of embodied participation,not only truly integrates into scientific practice,but also obtains tacit knowledge and deep understanding that was difficult to achieve without embodied participation in the past,and also lays an empirical foundation for trust in science. The familiarity,understanding and personal experience of science generated by the public involvement in scientific research activities are important prerequisites for their trust in science. Thus,it is possible to build public trust in science in concrete citizen science practices. The rapid development of citizen science has provided inspiration for promoting public understanding,participation and trust in scientific work in China. Firstly,further enhance the cognition of citizens’scientific literacy and public participation in science,and deeply understand the multiple dimensions of civic scientific literacy and the multiple purposes of public participation in science. Secondly,strengthen the relevant policy system and combine governmental support with civic self-governance. Thirdly,strengthen the innovation of the way of practicing citizen science at both the organizational and technological levels.
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