The Current Situation and Prospect of Women in Science Popularization in China
中文关键词: 社会性别 女性科普 科普理念 科普实践
英文关键词: gender  women in science popularization  idea of science popularization  practice of science popularization
章梅芳 北京科技大学科技史与文化遗产研究院 
林文琦 北京科技大学科技史与文化遗产研究院 
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      本文从社会性别视角出发,结合相关文献资料数据,分析目前我国科普相关政策法规与学术研究 中蕴含的女性科普理念问题,并从女性作为科普主体和科普对象两个角度切入,考察了我国女性科普实践的 主要类型和基本状况,认为我国女性科普工作取得了重要成绩,但也存在女性科普理念不明晰、女性群体主 动参与科普活动的意识不足以及科普中的科技与性别等深度议题较少被关注等问题,应在后续政策制定、学 术研究和科普实践层面作出更加积极的探索和提升。
      From the perspective of gender,combined with relevant literature,this paper analyzes the related concept of women in science popularization contained in the current policies,regulations and academic research in the field of science popularization in China,and examines the main types and basic status of women in science popularization practices in China from the perspectives of women as the main body and the object of science popularization. It is contended that many significant achievements have been made in the cognition and practice of popular science for women in China. However,problems still exist,such as the ambiguous concept of women in science popularization,the insufficient initiative of female groups to participate in popular science activities,and the less attention paid to in-depth issues such as science and gender. Accordingly,more active explorations and reforms should be made at the levels of subsequent policy-making,academic research and practice of science popularization.
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