Current Status of Channels for Chinese Citizens’Access to Science and Technology Information:Implications forScience Popularization Supply and Demand
中文关键词: 科学素质 科技信息 传播渠道 互联网 科普需求
英文关键词: scientific literacy  science and technology information  dissemination channels  internet  science popularization needs
胡俊平 中国科普研究所 
董容容 中国科普研究所 
唐德龙 中国科普研究所 
高宏斌 中国科普研究所 
摘要点击次数: 271
全文下载次数: 146
      科技信息的传播渠道是科学普及的关键要素之一。本文基于 2023 年第十三次中国公民科学素质抽 样调查,描述我国公民获取科技信息渠道的现状,揭示当前互联网在公民获取科技信息渠道中的重要地位, 并呈现公民使用社交平台、专门科普网站等互联网平台的变化态势。通过分析不同年龄、性别、受教育程度 以及城乡公民获取科技信息渠道的差异,讨论了数字化发展趋势下科技信息的传播渠道与公民自身特征和需 求之间的关系,阐明了需弥合数字鸿沟、发挥替代性渠道的补充作用、多渠道满足公民需求等观点。根据新 形势、新要求,提出坚持公平普惠,发展多元化科技信息传播渠道,推进数字化智能化传播以提高效能,提 升公民数字素养与技能以增强公民信息辨识能力等策略,以促进科普供需匹配,为提高数字时代的全民科学 素质、建设科技强国作出贡献。
      The channels through which science and technology(S&T)information are disseminated represent a key element of science popularization. Drawing on the findings of the 13th National Civic Scientific Literacy Sampling Survey in 2023,this study describes the current status of channels through which Chinese citizens access S&T information. It highlights the pivotal role of the Internet in these channels and illustrates the evolving trends in citizens’usage of online platforms,including social media and specialized science popularization websites. This paper compares and analyzes the differences in channels for accessing S&T information across various demographic groups,including age,gender,educational background,and urban-rural divides. It further examines the relationships between S&T information dissemination channels and citizens’characteristics and needs within the context of digital development. Key insights are presented,including the necessity of bridging the digital divide,leveraging the supplementary role of alternative channels,and addressing citizens’needs through diverse communication channels. In response to new circumstances and demands,this paper proposes the following strategies:developing diversified S&T information dissemination channels that prioritize fairness and inclusiveness,enhancing digital and intelligent communication channels to boost efficiency,and improving citizens’digital literacy and skills to strengthen their ability to critically assess information. These measures aim to better align science popularization supply with public demand,ultimately contributing to the enhancement of citizens’scientific literacy and the construction of a scientifically advanced nation.
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