Teaching Model and Case Study of Evidence-basedScientific Practice in Kindergarten
中文关键词: 循证教学 幼儿园 科学实践教学 教学模式
英文关键词: evidence-based teaching  kindergarten scientific practice teaching  teaching mode
冯艳慧 安庆师范大学教育科学学院 
郭启华 安庆师范大学教育科学学院 
林晨 安庆师范大学附属龙城幼儿园 
张金宝 安庆师范大学教育科学学院 
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      幼儿园科学实践教学是一种强调幼儿在行为实践、认知探索和社会互动三大领域中深度参与的教 学活动。然而,当前幼儿教师将科学教育等同于常识教育,将科学探究等同于动手操作的现象大量存在, 教师的科学实践教学存在较为严重的经验化与主观化倾向。而循证教学作为一种基于证据、事实进行决策 和实践的教学模式,因其可以提高教学的理性化和科学化水平而备受关注。本研究首先对幼儿园循证式科 学实践教学进行了理论阐释,然后采用循证教学的模式重构了科学实践教学的开发与实施全过程。研究发 现,在最佳证据基础上构建的幼儿园循证式科学实践教学模式,能够被有效应用于幼儿园科学实践教学中, 为缩小科学教育理论与实践之间的差距提供了一定的指引。建议加强科学教学文本内容的专项学习,构建 基于“互联网+”的个性化科学实践教学指导,推行循证式科学实践教学的实践,共同助力幼儿园循证式 科学实践教学的有效开展。
      Scientific practice teaching in kindergarten is a kind of teaching activity that emphasizes the multi-dimensional participation of children’s behavioral practices,cognitive exploration and social interaction. However, there are a lot of phenomena that preschool teachers equate science education with common sense education and scientific inquiry with hands-on operation at present. There is a serious tendency of experience and subjectivity in teachers’scientific practice teaching. As a teaching mode based on evidence and facts,evidence-based teaching has attracted much attention because it can improve the rational and scientific level of teaching.This study firstly explains the theory of evidence-based scientific practice teaching in kindergarten,and then reconstructs the whole process of the development and implementation of scientific practice activities by adopting the mode of evidence-based teaching. It is found that the evidence-based scientific practice teaching mode of kindergarten built on the basis of the best evidence can be effectively applied to the scientific practice teaching of kindergarten,and provides a certain support for narrowing the gap between science education theory and teaching reality. It is recommended to strengthen specialized learning of scientific teaching text content,construct personalized scientific practice teaching guidance based on“Internet+”,and carry out clinical practice of evidence-based scientific practice teaching,in order to support evidence-based scientific practice teaching in kindergartens.
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