The Changing Process,Evolution Logic and Future Prospects of theProject on Grass-Roots Science Popularization
中文关键词: 基层科普 科学素质 政策变迁
英文关键词: science popularization at grass-roots level  scientific literacy  institutional change
贺茂斌 北京科技大学科学技术与文明研究中心 
任鹏 北京科技大学科学技术与文明研究中心 
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      基层科普行动计划”是国家首次通过中央财政转移支付设立的科普专项,自 2006 年实施以来, 以满足基层科普需求为核心,聚焦解决科普服务“最后一公里”难题。研究发现,“基层科普行动计划”经 历了发轫、拓展、转型和深化四个阶段,政策变迁强制性与诱致性协同演进,央地协同与社会参与共同作 用,不断实现基层科普效率提升和社会公平的双重目标。政策演进过程呈现政策工具创新与路径依赖交织、 资源配置效率存在结构性矛盾、政策效能受制度供给质量制约的规律。最后,本文构建“制度—技术—社 会”三维突破路径,以期更好地实现政策变迁目标。
      The Project on Grass-roots Science Popularization is the first science popularization special plan established by the state through central financial transfer payments. Since its implementation in 2006,the Project has focused on meeting the needs of grass-roots science popularization and solving the problem of“the last kilometer”of science popularization services. The results show that the Project on Grass-roots Science Popularization has experienced four stages of initiation,expansion, transformation,and deepening. The evolution of policy is characterized by the synergistic progression of both mandatory and induced elements,with central-local collaboration and social participation working in concert to continually achieve the dual goals of enhancing grassroots science popularization efficiency and promoting social equity. The process of policy evolution exhibits an intertwining of policy instrument innovation and path dependency,revealing structural contradictions in resource allocation efficiency and a pattern where policy effectiveness is constrained by the quality of institutional supply. Furthermore, we also construct a three-dimensional breakthrough pathway encompassing“institution-technologysociety,” aiming to better realize the objectives of institutional change.
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