The Path of Popularization of High-End Scientific Research Achievements:A Case Study on Popularization of Atomic Clocks at the Shangha iInstituteof Optics and Fine Mechanics,Chinese Academy of Sciences
中文关键词: 高端科研成果 大科学装置 原子钟 科普化
英文关键词: high-end scientific research achievements  big science devices  atomic clocks  popularization of science
钱逸涛 江苏科技大学科学技术史研究所 
杨凯 江苏科技大学科学技术史研究所 
王金媛 中国科学院上海光学精密机械研究所 
徐震 中国科学院上海光学精密机械研究所 
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      高精尖科学装置是高端科研成果的重要组成部分,原子钟作为应用于航空航天领域的关键核心装 置,近年来逐渐被大众熟知,本文以中国科学院上海光学精密机械研究所(以下简称“上海光机所”)原子 钟研究成果的科普实践为案例,综合考察了上海光机所原子钟科普的主体、形式、内容及其基本特点。研究 发现,科学家团队是推动高端科研成果科普化的重要力量,沉浸式科普是重要方式,而国家重大科技战略则 是重要契机。基于研究发现,本文认为大科学装置等高端科研成果科普化工作可以从切实提高科研人员科普 技能、健全高端科研成果科普化联动机制、培育高端科研成果科普化品牌3 个方面着手,研究成果为科研机 构有效利用高端科研成果开展科普活动提供了有益借鉴和思考。
      High-precision scientific devices are an important part of high-end scientific research achievements,atomic clocks,as a key core device applied in the aerospace field,have been gradually known by the public in recent years,this paper takes the science popularization practice of atomic clocks research in Shanghai Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics,Chinese Academy of Sciences(hereinafter referred to as SIOM)as a case study,and comprehensively examines the subject,form,content and basic features of the science popularisation of atomic clocks in SIOM.It is found that the team of scientists is an important force in promoting the popularisation of high-end scientific research results,immersive popularization is an important way,and national major scientific and technological strategies are an important opportunity. Based on the research findings,this paper proposes that the popularization of highend scientific research results,such as large scientific devices,can be carried out in three aspects: enhancing the scientific popularization skills of researchers,improving the mechanism of popularization of high-end scientific research results,and cultivating a brand of popularization of high-end scientific research results. The research results provide useful references and thinking for scientific research institutions to make effective use of high-end scientific research results to carry out science popularization activities.
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