The Role Dilemma,Attribution Clarification,and Breakthrough Path ofScience Popularization Short Video Creators in the Digital Intelligence Era
中文关键词: 社会角色理论 数智技术 科普短视频创作者 角色冲突 角色调适
英文关键词: Social Role Theory  digital intelligence technology  science popularization short videocreators  role conflict  role adjustment
金梦瑶 中国科普研究所 
陈玲 中国科普研究所 
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      科普短视频创作者在实现科普事业高质量发展和助推中国式现代化建设中扮演重要角色,以人工 智能为代表的新技术日益澎湃所激荡起来的角色冲突却使科普短视频创作者陷入不同程度的角色困境。本 研究以社会角色理论为分析视角,从角色内外两方面解析科普短视频创作者角色冲突的具体表征,并进一 步揭示造成其深陷角色冲突之困的内在致因。为破此困局,科普短视频创作者应树立正确的科学技术观, 在创作中始终坚守人的主体性地位,回归到“以内容为先”的创作本质,在法律法规和行业规范的指引下 理性使用新技术赋能创作,并连接更广泛的公众群体共创价值,如此方能在时代的洗礼中始终保有自身角 色的生命力。
      Science popularization short video creators play an important role in achieving high-quality development of science popularization and boosting the construction of Chinese modernization,while the role conflict aroused by the increasingly surging new technologies represented by AI makes them fall into different levels of role dilemmas. This study takes the Social Role Theory as the perspective,analyzes the specific manifestations of role conflicts among science popularization short video creators from both internal and external aspects of their roles,and further reveals the underlying causes that lead them to be trapped in“role conflicts”. To overcome the dilemma,science popularization short video creators should establish a correct view of science and technology,always adhering to the subjectivity of human beings in creation,returning to the essence of“content first”creation,and rationally use new technologies to empower creation and connect with a wider public group to create value under the guidance of laws,regulations,and industry norms. Only in this way can they maintain the vitality of their own role in the baptism of the times.
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