陈梅婷,陈路遥,种 璐.关于科学松鼠会微博科普影响力的调查研究[J].科普研究,2013,8(3):61~67
A Research on the Influence of Science Squirrels Club’s Micro-blog
中文关键词: 科学松鼠会,微博粉丝,网络科普
英文关键词: Science Squirrels Club  micro-blog fans  popular science on internet
陈梅婷 福建师范大学传播学院 
陈路遥 福建师范大学传播学院 
种 璐 福建师范大学传播学院 
摘要点击次数: 3418
全文下载次数: 1683
      科学松鼠会是网络影响力最强的中国民间科普组织之一,通过对其微博粉丝进行问卷调查,发现其受众主体男女数量和文理科背景较为平均,趋于青年化、高学历化、较高收入化,职业较为稳定,且具备较充足的上网条件与时间。对性别、年龄、学历、专业等基本属性进行细致考察后得出以下结论:(1) 性别、年龄、学历、专业是受众选择不同科普知识的重要原因。(2)少年的主观辨识度低,针对少年的网络科普组织应更注重科普信息的简洁性、趣味性和引导性。(3) 青年的主观辨识度高,针对18-39 岁的青年网络科普组织更注重提高科普知识的专业性、精准度和互动性。(4) 网络科普组织还存在较大数量的不稳定受众群体,有理科背景的年长男性较容易转化为稳定受众。(5) 微博在网络科普传播中的缺陷逐渐暴露,其信息有效到达率较低且容易造成信息误读。
      Science Squirrels Club has been one of the nongovernmental organizations of popular science which have the most powerful influence on network in China. By investigating its micro-blog fans,it is found in the questionnaire survey that its fans are mainly made up of people whose number of men and women, number of liberal arts background and science background,tend to be equal, and people who tend to be young,highly educated,higher income, more stable occupation and having access and enough time to the Internet. The following conclusions can be summarized by carrying out a detailed study of the basic attributes such as gender,age,educational background,and professional:(1) Gender,age,education and professional are the vital reasons that audiences choose different kinds of knowledge of popular science. (2) For the younger juveniles,the network organizations of popular science should focus on improving the simplification,interest,and guide of scientific information. (3) For the elder youth,the network organizations of popular science for the 18-39 year-old should concentrate on improving the professionalism,accuracy and interactivity of scientific knowledge. (4) Among the network organizations of popular science,there are a large number of unstable audiences. But those older men who come from science background,are more easily converted into stable audiences. (5)Micro -blog’s defects in disseminating popular science through network science have gradually exposed,its effective arrival rate of information is low and likely to cause misreading.
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