The Review of Science Book Awards in Britain and America
中文关键词: 科普图书、奖项、英国、美国
英文关键词: popular science book  award  Britain  America
杨琴琴 北京师范大学教育学部 
摘要点击次数: 3351
全文下载次数: 2002
      英美获奖科普图书的类型主要依据受众对象、学科性质的不同来划分。按受众对象分的奖项如英国 皇家学会的“青少年图书奖” (Royal Society Young People’s Book Prize)、美国科学教师协会的“青少年优秀 科普图书奖” (Outstanding Science Trade Books for Students K-12) 等,按学科性质分的如美国图书馆协会的 “STS 奥伯利农业或自然科学书目奖” (STS Oberly Award for Bibliography in the Agricultural or Natural Sci原 ences)、“罗伯特·F·塞伯特信息图书奖” (Robert F. Sibert Informational Book Medal) 等。本研究旨在了解英 美不同类型科普图书奖项设置需要考虑的共同因素,主要以两国科学、教育、图书馆等组织下设置的科普图 书奖项为例,对这些科普图书奖项的背景、评委会、评奖过程、标准等做出综述,并在分析提炼比较的基础 上给出若干思考。
      The classification of science book awards in Britain and America is mainly based on the audience or the Subject Category. Awards such as the Royal Society Young People’s Book Prize and the Outstanding Science Trade Books for Students K-12 of NAST,etc. are classified according to audience. Awards classified according to its subject category include:the American library association’s STS Oberly Award for Bibliography in the Agricultural or Natural Sciences and Robert F. Sibert Informational Book Medal,etc. This study aims at examining the shared factors that have been taken into consideration in the process of the prize arrangement of different classifications of popular science books in both Britain and the America. By focusing specifically on the prizes of different classifications in the two countries including science,education,library,etc., this paper attempts to provide a literature review in terms of the background of the prize,the judging panel,the prize-giving process and its standards,etc.,and meanwhile to provide implications on the basis of the analysis,refinement and comparison of the review.
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