Reflections on the Social Context of Science Communication in China
中文关键词: 科学传播、社会语境、多样性、本土化
英文关键词: science communication  social context  diversity of public demand  localization features
任杰 中国科学技术馆 
刘萱 中国科普研究所 
摘要点击次数: 2521
全文下载次数: 1781
      科学传播受社会语境中政治、经济、文化和历史诸多因素的影响,社会语境对科学传播的作用程度及效果在 不同的时间和区域中存在差异。在全球范围内,当前科学传播的社会语境共同经历着科学与社会的关系转变、科学与 公众的关系转变,以及新媒体崛起带来的挑战。我国,一个地理多样性颇丰的国家,其经济、社会、教育、科技的发 展在城乡之间、区域之间存在巨大的差距。上述发展的不平衡状况使得我国科学传播的社会语境在具有各国科学传播 社会语境共性问题的同时,带有着突出的本土特征。我国公众的科学传播需求呈现多样性与复杂性特征,新媒体技术 所带来的传播模式的跨越性变革进一步加剧了这一特征。基于上述考虑,我国借鉴国际成功经验并结合本国特色的科 学传播策略,逐渐形成政府推动、社会各方参与的公众科学传播体系。本文关注社会语境对科学传播的影响,建议将 社会语境因素纳入科学传播研究视野,拓展多元社会语境中我国科学传播体系的研究视角。
      Science communication is influenced by various factors of social context,such as politics,economy,culture and history,which has different impact on science communication in different time and space domain. On a global scale,current social context for science communication are experiencing three crucial changes:the science and society relationship is increasing close, the science and public relationship is increasing close and Modern information technology revolution opened up a new era of media. China is a country with appreciable geographic diversity,where exist huge gap in economic, social,educational and science and technology development between rural and urban area as well as among different regions. The imbalance development makes social context of science communication in China has both general issues facing other countries and prominent localized features. Diversity is a local characteristic, among others,of social context for science communication in China. The demand of citizens in China on science communication presents diversified and complex features,which were intensified by the leapfrog development of science communication pattern brought by new media. Based upon above considerations,China is taking public science communication strategy in a localized way with government-driven and social participation features. The paper looks forward to more attention to the impact of social context for science communication,and broadening the research perspectives on diversity under variety social context.
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