王芸婷,全淑凤.科幻电影的科技传播发展趋势及思考 ———基于 IMDb 科幻电影 Top100 的数据统计分析[J].科普研究,2016,11(5):54~61
科幻电影的科技传播发展趋势及思考 ———基于 IMDb 科幻电影 Top100 的数据统计分析
The Current Trends and Thoughts on Science Communication in Science Fiction Film:Based on a Categorical Data Analysis of Top 100 Sci-Fi Film in IMDb
中文关键词: 科幻电影科技传播互联网电影资料库发展趋势
英文关键词: science fiction film  science communication  internet movie database  development trends
王芸婷 湖南大学新闻传播与影视艺术学院 
全淑凤 湖南大学岳麓书院 
摘要点击次数: 2954
全文下载次数: 2426
      作为科技传播的重要形式之一,科幻电影在其百余年历史中不断发展变化。通过对互联网电影资料库 (IMDb) 科幻电影加权平均分Top100 从所属发展历程出发进行多个方面的数据统计分析,发现在百余年发展历史中 科幻电影涉及类型元素逐步多元,科技恐惧感渐趋减轻;涉及科技种类有所丰富,同时具有时代烙印;主题倾向及世 界观与现实贴近性渐趋增强,晦涩影片近年来不断减少,观影门槛有所降低;国际合作逐步多样,受众更倾向于技术 性与思想性兼具的影片。科幻电影创作主体科学哲学素养的培养、专业素质的提升和对时代现实的关注,以及创作传 播环境中科学领域的助力、政治环境的张弛有度和社会审美的转向是提升我国科幻电影科技传播的重要途径。
      As one of the most important forms of science communication,science fiction film has experienced continuous and tremendous changes during the past more than a hundred years. The results about categorical data analysis of Top 100 science fiction films show that the linkage type elements of science fiction film become more and more varied and audiences regain their faith in science. Moreover,the categories of linkage science are diversified and marked with the stamps of the time;with a low barrier to entry,the subject tendency and worldview of films are adapted to the reality gradually; And audiences tend to love the film which is both technical and thoughtful with different forms of international cooperation. Communication subjects should improve scientific literacy and build up their imagination;the field of science adds fuel to the flame and the area of expertise has paid great attention to the science fiction film. In addition, policy environment becomes more flexible and social aesthetic flavor changes with the times. All those factors contribute greatly to promoting science communication in Chinese science fiction film
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