On Advantages and Challenges for Augmented Reality Science Picture Books for Children
中文关键词: 增强现实技术 科普童书早期阅读
英文关键词: augmented reality technology  science picture book for children  children’s early reading
刘晓晔 首都师范大学学前教育学院 
孙璐 北京教育科学研究院早期教育研究所 
摘要点击次数: 2095
全文下载次数: 1344
      随着童书出版市场的繁荣,科普童书成为了增强现实技术应用于出版领域的重要切入点。研究通过对46 名 5-6 岁儿童家长的访谈,发现AR 技术应用于科普童书的优势在于:家长对该技术应用于科普童书持认可态度、AR 技术应用于科普童书符合儿童心理发展特点并契合儿童科技教育需求;其挑战则主要来自于家长对儿童健康的担 忧,以及无从判定这类图书的教育效果。据此,研究对增强现实技术应用于科普童书的未来发展提出了建议。
      The use of augmented reality in book has become an increasingly popular methodology which has garnered large nationwide attention. Using augmented reality as a way in children’s science picture book publishing is becoming increasingly popular,the reason is that children are moving towards a new level of interaction with technology and their imagery thinking. As a study of parents’attitude towards AR science picture book,detailed interviewing data were collected on 46 parents whose children are 5~6 years old in National Library of China for children. Results suggest that AR science picture book were well considered. But there is a considerable risk aversion,because being lack of solutions and studies regarding the values and disadvantages on application of AR technologies to children’s science learning and health. In a nutshell,the paper puts forward some implications for the use of augmented reality in children’s science picture books.
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