褚建勋,朱玉洁,张露溪,贾 伟.基于核安全认知态度的在线调查及其对中国核科普的启示[J].科普研究,2017,12(2):47~53
An Online Survey of Awareness and Attitude Regarding the NuclearSafety and Its Revelation on Nuclear Science Communication in China
中文关键词: 核安全 认知态度 科普 在线调查
英文关键词: nuclear safety  awareness and attitude  science communication  online survey
褚建勋 中国科学技术大学科学传播研究与发展中心中国科学技术大学公共事务学院 
朱玉洁 中国科学技术大学科技传播与科技政策系 
张露溪 中国科学技术大学科技传播与科技政策系 
贾 伟 中国科学院合肥物质科学研究院核能安全技术研究所 
摘要点击次数: 2434
全文下载次数: 1807
      核安全议题一直是各国互联网的热点,网民的核安全认知态度在线调查以及相应的核科普需求具有 重要的研究意义。本文通过在线调查问卷的方式,对核安全的认知态度与核科普程度进行统计分析,结果显 示:受访网民的核电科普程度较低,尤其是对于核电的优点了解较少;对我国现运营的核电站有较高信任度, 但不太支持国家未来建更多的核电站。本文进而分别从性别、受教育程度和年龄三方面对网民群体在核安全 的认知态度与科普程度上进行了统计交叉分析,发现:受访人群中男性的核电知识储备比女性高;学历越高 越反对建核电站;50 岁以上年龄段受访者的核科普程度是所有年龄段中最高的;35 岁以下的年轻人核科普程 度较低,对中国建造更多核电站态度消极。分析这些在线调查数据得到涉及核科普的若干启示,值得学界予 以更多关注。
      Nuclear safety is a very popular topic on the internet,and the online survey on the nuclear safety awareness and attitude by the netizen and the nuclear science communication are of great importance for the academy and the application in China. The paper uses the online survey with random sampling to measure the Nuclear Safety Awareness and Attitude of Chinese net users as well as the degree of the Nuclear Science Communication in China. The results show that most of people have a limited knowledge in science communication, while they have a high trust upon the Chinese Nuclear Power Plants, yet they don’t like to build more plants in future. The male have a higher nuclear power knowledge level than that of the female,whereas the higher education they have, the more they are against building nuclear power plants in future. Specially,the respondents with the age of more than 50 years old have the highest level of science communication about nuclear safety,while the lowest is for the group of less than 35 years old who embody the negative attitude to build more nuclear power in China. According to the survey data,some revelations on Nuclear Science Communication should be studied in China in the future.
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