孙 敏,鲁同所,杨 骞,论 珠,白 珍.西藏地区天文科普工作现状及对策研究[J].科普研究,2018,13(2):54~61
A Research on the Current Situation and Countermeasures ofAstronomical Science Popularization in Tibet Autonomous Region
中文关键词: 天文学 科普 西藏地区 天文观测 引力波
英文关键词: astronomy  science popularization  tibetan area  astronomical observation  gravitational wave
孙 敏 西藏大学教育学院 
鲁同所 西藏大学宇宙线教育部重点实验室西藏大学理学院物理系 
杨 骞 西藏大学理学院物理系 
论 珠 西藏大学理学院物理系 
白 珍 阿里地区气象局 
摘要点击次数: 2359
全文下载次数: 1495
      近年来,随着天文观测手段的不断进步,相应的天文科普工作也越来越受到政府和相关机构的重视。 但是在我国西藏,由于高寒缺氧、生活条件艰苦、地广人稀,导致当地经济教育发展滞后,人才队伍稀缺, 学生群体和农牧区农牧民天文知识获得渠道有限,自主学习积极性不高,天文知识极度匮乏。尽管西藏的高 海拔山脊为开展天文和天体物理相关的科学研究提供了天然的实验环境,观测设备不能算少,不过,由于交 通不便、专业科普队伍欠缺、地方组织重视程度不够等因素,实际上大多没有深度挖掘开发其科学普及功能。 但是天文科普是提高国民科学素质的重要手段,从长远来说,它不仅仅使人们开拓视野、增长知识,培养人 们的创造精神和科学的思维方式,而且会给当地带来一定的社会价值和经济效益,因此在欠发达地区开展天 文普及工作必要且紧迫。鉴于西藏地区的特殊性,本文从政府机构、学校以及社会各界团体对天文科普的重 视程度、理论与实践结合、人才队伍建设和科普设施投入方面提出了一些可行的对策和建议。
      With continuing improvements in astronomical observation methods over the years,the astronomical science popularization has also received increasing attention from the government and the related organizations correspondingly. However,with regard to the case in Tibet,due to a lack of sufficient oxygen caused by the inclemency of weather,the harsh living environment,the sparse-density population,the underdeveloped economical growth, the lower-level education, lacking sufficient talents, the limited access to gaining knowledge of astronomy by students and herdsmen,and the lower-level lingering enthusiasm for their learning about astronomical knowledge,etc,all those above-mentioned factors have impeded the effective popularization of astronomical knowledge in Tibet. Albeit Tibet has high altitude mountains,enabling it to provide a natural experimental environment for scientific research on astronomy and astrophysics,and there is a great deal of astronomical observation equipment. However, due to the inconvenient transportation,a shortage of professional science teams,and a lack of emphasis and recognition from local organizations,the functional role of those equipment has not been fully cultivated in science popularization. It is perceived that astronomical science popularization is an important means to improve scientific literacy of the national citizens. In the long run,not only does it broaden people’s horizons, increase knowledge,cultivate people’s creative spirit and scientific way of thinking, but also brings good economical and social benefits. From that sense,it appears necessary and urgent to carry out the work of astronomical popularization in the underdeveloped areas. In view of the specific situation in Tibet,the paper comes up with some constructive and practical proposals from perspectives of talent construction,the input and investment in science popularization infrastructure,and the concerns form the government,schools and various social organizations,etc.
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