程 曦,王国燕.第十五届PCST 国际公众科技传播会议综述[J].科普研究,2018,13(3):101~104
第十五届PCST 国际公众科技传播会议综述
A Review of 15th Annual Conference of Public Communication ofScience and Technology
中文关键词: 科学、故事和社会 科学传播 PCST
英文关键词: science,story and society  science communication  PCST
程 曦 中国科学技术大学公共事务学院,中国科学技术大学科学传播研究与发展中心,中国科学技术大学科学传播与科技政策系 
王国燕 中国科学技术大学科学传播与科技政策系 
摘要点击次数: 2041
全文下载次数: 1119
      作为国际上规模最大的科技传播领域会议,第十五届国际公众科技传播会议于2018 年4 月3 日—4 月6 日在新西兰但尼丁市召开。该会汇聚了全球科学传播领域的研究者和实践者,以及与科学传播密切相关 的科学家等,共同探讨当前科技传播与科技政策领域广受关注和新兴出现的话题,在一定程度上代表了科技 传播界的研究潮流。此次会议主题为“科学、故事和社会带领我们进入世界科学传播行径的中心”,旗下共设 3 个分议题,收录的会议论文来自44 个国家的344 篇提案,其中来自中国研究机构或高校的12 篇提案被收录, 并有6 篇文章的作者参与到会议现场报告或讨论中。本篇文章讨论不同分议题下论文提案的分布情况和受关 注度较高的分议题,以及中国论文提案的研究内容,以了解当前国际和国内科技传播讨论话题的趋势。
      As the largest conference in the field of science communication,the 15th annual conference of Public Communication of Science and Technology(PCST)was held in Dunedin,New Zealand during April 3-6,2018. The conference gathered global researchers and practitioners from the field of science communication,even scientists to discuss topics with wide concern,some of which are new emerging topics. Hence,it represented research trend of science communication. The title of the conference,entitled“Science,Stories and Society takes us to the core of the worldwide science communication endeavor”,is composed of 3 sub-thesis. The conference collected 344 proposals from 44 countries,including 12 proposals from research institutions or universities in China. Among them,authors of 6 proposals from China participated in report and discussion in the conference. In order to keep abreast of new trend of science communication at home and abroad,the paper analyzed proposal distribution of different sub-topics,most popular sub-thesis,and the topic and content of Chinese proposals.
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