A Research of Evaluation Indexes and Evaluation of CommunityPopularization of Science Interactive Hall
中文关键词: 区域 社区科普互动厅 评估
英文关键词: community  popularization of science interactive hall  evaluation indexes
汤乐明 北京市可持续发展科技促进中心 
王海芸 北京科学学研究中心 
梁廷政 北京市可持续发展科技促进中心 
摘要点击次数: 1698
全文下载次数: 942
      传统科普通过展板及展品服务社会,而采取声光电等信息化手段开展科普工作已成为趋势。本文重 点关注科普互动厅这一促进科普工作的载体,选择了2017 年某城市70 家社区科普互动厅为主要评估对象, 采取了问卷调查、实地访谈和案例分析等多种方式相结合,从目标、组织管理、产出情况、社会效益等4 个 方面设计了评估指标,并对70 家科普互动厅进行了评估分析,结论是:科普互动厅总体建设和运营情况良 好,城区和郊区没有明显区别,但部分科普互动厅存在着地址选择失误、环境营造不佳、管理制度不完善等 问题,还需要在以后的工作中进行重点关注和解决。
      Traditional popularization of science serves society by exhibits, but a new trend for popularization of science by Information means, such as sound and light,is gaining pace.The paper pays more attention to the popularization of science interactive hall.The paper chooses some 70 community popularization of science Interactive halls in one city as the evaluation object in 2017. The following methods are adopted:questionnaire,interview and case study,designing the evaluation indicators from the aspect of the goal,organizational management,output and social benefit,and evaluating 70 popularization of science Interactive halls. The conclusion is:The overall situation of the popularization of science interactive halls are good,there are not obvious difference between cities and suburbs. However,some of the popular science interaction halls encounter the following problems,for example,improper selection site,Poor environment,Management system is not perfect,to name but a few. All the mentioned problems need to be cared about in practice.
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