张航,聂馥玲.《科学大众》(1946—1949 年)科学新闻来源及翻译选择策略——以Popular Science 为核心[J].科普研究,2019,14(1):96~105
《科学大众》(1946—1949 年)科学新闻来源及翻译选择策略——以Popular Science 为核心
Science News Source for Scientific China Monthly(1946—1949)and Translation Selection Strategy:Take Popular Science as the Core of the Research
中文关键词: 《科学大众》 Popular Science 科学新闻 来源 选文策略
英文关键词: Scientific China Monthly  Popular Science  science news  text source  selection strategy
张航 内蒙古师范大学科学技术史研究院内蒙古建筑职业技术学院 
聂馥玲 内蒙古师范大学科学技术史研究院 
摘要点击次数: 1789
全文下载次数: 1332
      《科学大众》创刊于 1937 年,是我国著名的科普期刊,抗战期间停刊后,1946 年在上海复刊。其中 常规栏目“科学新闻”中的文章均译自美国当时著名科普期刊,如Popular Science、Popular Mechanics 等。 本文选取其 1946 年复刊后到 1949 年新中国成立前涉及的 210 篇科学新闻作为研究对象,进行了文本来源的 考订,发现其中 41% 的新闻选译自Popular Science 的“Science News”“Science at Work”和“PSM Features” 等栏目。通过译文与底本的对比研究发现,《科学大众》科学新闻的翻译选择策略是多种因素考虑的结果,如 既要有趣,激发公众的兴趣;又要内容大众化、普及化,具有可读性;同时还要实用,也要简短易读等等。 在这种情况下,不得不割舍一些重大、尖端、热点的科学新闻。就科学新闻栏目的要求而言是当时社会背景 下难以两全的无奈之举。
      Scientific China Monthly,founded in 1937,is a popular science periodical in the Republic of China. It was republished in Shanghai in 1946 following the Anti-Japanese Aggression War. Articles in the regular column“science news”were translated from famous popular science periodicals in the United States,such as Popular Science,and Popular Mechanics,etc. This paper focuses on 210 pieces of science news from 1946 to the founding of the P. C. China,41% of which were selected from Popular Science’s“science news”,“science at work”and“PSM features”,etc. Through an acomparative study of the translated text and the original versions,it is found that the translation selection strategy of science news is affected by many factors,such as public interest,popularization,readability,as well as practicability and easy to read or not. Under such circumstance,it had to give up some important, cutting-edge and hot science news,which is contrary to the purpose of the news,however,it was a no-other-alternative choice in such social settings.
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