杨玉娟,段 飞.试论IPA 对比分析下的 科技馆科普服务供给侧改革[J].科普研究,2019,14(3):66~74
试论IPA 对比分析下的 科技馆科普服务供给侧改革
The Reform on Supply-side of Service for Science Popularization inScience Museums Based on IPA Analysis
中文关键词: IPA分析 感知差异 科普服务 供给侧改革
英文关键词: IPA analysis  perception difference  science popularization service  supply-side reform
杨玉娟 广东科学中心 
段 飞 广东科学中心 
摘要点击次数: 1387
全文下载次数: 899
      科技馆作为科普服务的供给侧,通过展览、教育活动、公共服务等科普产品,满足作为需求侧的观 众,进而吸引观众、留住观众,以求达到增进公众对科学的理解、提高公民科学素养的使命目标。如何有效 实现科普服务高质量供给是科技馆面临的重要课题。本文使用IPA 分析法构建感知满意度与感知重要度指标 体系,采用调查问卷的形式,分别向广东科学中心的观众及员工开展调研,通过创新的IPA 对比分析,比较 观众与员工对科普服务供给要素的感知差异,提出科普服务供给侧改革的三个重要层面:一是进一步强化以 观众为本的科普思想;二是适应观众需求,调整科普服务供给;三是引导观众需求,改善科普服务供给。
      As the supply side of science popularization service,science museums meet the needs of visitors(as the demand side)so as to attract and keep the audience for completing the mission of upgrading public science understanding and elevating public science literacy by science popularization products as exhibitions,education activities and public services. It is an inevitable issue of science museums to supply high quality science popularization service. Based on IPA analysis,this paper constructs the index system of satisfaction and perceptive importance,and researches on staff members and visitors at Guangdong Science Center in the form of questionnaire survey. Meanwhile,this paper originally compared the IPA result between staffs and audience to propose the three steps of supply-side reform for science popularization service:enhancing the thoughts of audience-focused science popularization; meeting visitor needs by adjusting service supply,and guiding visitor needs when improving the service supply.
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